Our grueling 9-5 lives have made stress a part and parcel of living. No doubt, having the right company to come back home to makes a huge difference. Many of us have adapted to the idea of adopting a pet, who’ll keep us company and keep loneliness at bay. Safe to say, apartment communities and housing societies have seen a significant rise in pet owners or pet parents among them.
It has become significantly important to understand whether the gated community supports a pet-friendly environment and whether they love pets. Read on to know more!
First things first, there is a striking difference between apartment communities that allow pets and ones that love pets. While it’s easy to tell them apart, living in the latter will aid you more if you have a pet, on the plan of adopting one later.
Here’s what the law in India says, about having a four-legged family member living in your apartment.
Here’s what the Constitution says about the same- “An apartment should not ban the keeping of animals in an apartment and the Section 11 (3) states Prevention of Cruelty to Animal Act, 1960.”
Simply put, the law is in favour of pet ownership, irrespective of the kind of place the owner stays in. Additionally, the Fundamental Duties in the Constitution of India in Section 51(A) make it a duty of every Indian citizen to respect and have compassion for all life forms. Rules that prevent having pets in societies or in an apartment complexes are also considered to be a direct violation of the Constitution of India.
These rights of ownership, however, do come with a set of duties. Pet owners have to earn the goodwill of neighbours by keeping their dogs on leashes in common areas and cleaning up after them if they soil the place, among other precautionary care.
Moving on, let’s discuss in brief the perks that come with living in a pet-friendly community.
Fosters social interaction for your furry friend
One of the biggest Pros of moving into a pet-friendly apartment is that it automatically connects you to a group of people who love and appreciate pets or have one of their own. They are likely to have a number of amenities in place, like a dog part, where your pet gets a chance to interact with other pets, and people.
This additional socialization can be a great outlet for both you and your pet. Living with other animals and close interaction with them can improve your pet’s behavior as well as help burn off their extra energy.
An additional letter of security
If you’ve ever lived in a community that didn’t necessarily welcome people, you’re well aware of the stress that comes along with living around non-pet-people.
In a pet-friendly community, rest assured, you don’t have to worry about neighbours complaining about every other thing. And the best part? They are likely to keep an eye on your pet and alert you if they see your cat sneaking out or be patient when your dog runs about free in the corridor.
And let’s not forget those pet-friendly apartment communities send a bold message to thieves that their chances of running into a dog during a break-in are very high. This can help lower crime rates within the community and keep you safe.
Easy access to convenient pet amenities
Living in pet-friendly residential communities also gives you access to convenient pet amenities. You’ll probably have direct access to a dog park located within the premises instead of having to drive to one.
Apartment living translates to a lack of space for your pet to run free, so the next best thing is having easy access to pet amenities that make your life easier.
With a number of measures and guidelines in place, pet-friendly communities reduce stress and allow you and your friend to live comfortably in your own space.
And even if don’t plan on adopting a pet, living in such communities will ensure that you and your loved ones are more understanding and accepting of pets around you and live happily and stress-free.
At Pyramid Lifestyle, we build communities that foster happy, community living. Our builds stand tall as the panache of premier living in Pune. To know more about us and what we do, visit https://www.pyramidlifestyle.com/