Gone are the days when we entered a workspace that reeked of monotony. Nowadays, every professional office setup demands something different and innovative. Even the IT companies are quite bored of following the same old desktop setup with cubicles. Though there are a few who still prefer that kind of a ‘fixed’ design due to […]
Category: Pyramid Atlante
Ways to make loan repayments faster!
Nowadays you get almost a hundred calls daily for home loans, banking services and so many other things that we may or may not be interested in. The telecommunication companies are anyway meeting their targets of making a specific number of calls on a daily basis, but in the end, we all despise them, not […]
Home Loans & their types
It’s quite obvious that we all hope that one day we own a home that gives us freedom from the landlord, freedom from paying the rent, and freedom from all the tension that tags along. There are many types of worries that keep visiting us on a daily basis and pandemic has been one of […]
Home Cleanliness Hacks: Easy ways to keep your home clean!
We’ve always been taught from our childhood that ‘cleanliness is next to godliness’ and we’ve quite turned that philosophy into a blind spot. Well, today, it is the need of the hour and a basic necessity considering the pandemic situation. While there are people who still follow this philosophy religiously, there are a few who […]
Importance of Property Insurance
Owning a property can be a cumbersome task. The processes are full of a variety of risks, documentation, payments, and so on. If there’s no security of such a high-involvement, high-risk factor and in such circumstances, having insurance of that property is quite a necessary thing. Adding in the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, owning […]