There have been innumerable moments when we have used the terms “Housing Society” and “Co-operative Housing Society” quite interchangeably. For a layman, the term ‘co-operative’ seems merely a prefix that makes everything looks official or legal. And, this article is clearly here to talk about this confusion or misuse of terminologies. When we talk about societies, there are a lot of ego clashes that happen in the initial stage related to who’s going to hold what designations and who’s taking what roles and responsibilities. Because, handling a home is one thing, and handling the operations of the entire society is a whole new ballgame altogether. Let’s dive deep to explore the aspects of these societies and what makes them different from one another.
Housing Society
Going by the textbook definition, one can say that a housing society is an organisation, owned and operated by society members, primarily to address the residential needs of the community. Members who share common interests for the welfare of the society, usually come together and register a legally established society to make the lives of the residents stress-free and hassle-free.
In housing societies, the membership is completely voluntary. All the rules and regulations are thoroughly laid down by the respective state’s policy on bylaws that govern all the housing societies of that state.
Factors separating Housing from Co-operative Housing Societies
Getting to the core of the matter, here are the few major factors that distinguish a housing society from a co-operative housing society. Let’s take a look.
Transfer of Ownership:
In a Housing Society, the building land is transferred in the name of each property (apartment/home) holder in proportion to his/her share which gets incorporated in the 7/12 extract or property card, as the case may be.
When it comes to Co-operative Housing Society, the building land always gets transferred in the society’s name which gets incorporated on the 7/12 extract, or property card, as the case may be.
In a Housing Society, the government has no control to play over the elections held within, whereas, in a Co-operative Housing Society, it is governed by the rules and regulations made by the Co-operative Election Authority/Committee.
In a Housing Society, there are no clear rules and regulations, and there’s a lack of guidance from the government regarding redeveloping a society. In a Co-operative Society, the government has established some clear guidelines.
Members & Voting:
In a Housing Society, only the first owner of the house has to right to vote and attend the meetings held by the society. Membership types do not exist in this case, whereas in a Co-operative Housing Society, along with the members, there are joint members, associate members, nominal members and temporary members.
There are many other factors that differentiate a housing society from a co-operative housing society such as bylaws and amendments, transfer fees, the expulsion of members, audit, dispute redressal and many others.
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